ITU was established in 1773, during the time of the Ottoman Sultan Mustafa III. With its original name “Muhendishane-i Bahr-i Humayun”, The Royal School of Naval Engineering, its responsibility was to educate chart masters and ship builders. In 1795, the “Muhendishane-i Berr-i Humayun”, The Royal School of Military Engineering, was established to educate the technical staff in the army. In 1847, education in the field of architecture was also introduced.

Established in 1883, the School of Civil Engineering assumed the name “Engineering Academy”, with the aim of teaching essentials skills needed in planning and implementing the country’s new infrastructure projects. Gaining university status in 1928, the Engineering Academy continued to provide education in the fields of engineering and architecture until it was incorporated into ITU in 1944. Finally, in 1946, ITU became an autonomous university which included the Faculties of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
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