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Aylık arşiv: Kasım 2011
The First Boron Vehicle in Turkey
The first Boron Vehicle in Turkey is produced by Tubitak Energy Enstitute.Minister of State for Industries used the vehicle for test drive in October,2011. In the project, the fuel storage, reactor of hydrogen produce, gas cleaner, synthesis of catalyst for … Okumaya devam et
Genel kategorisine gönderildi
bor, bor hidrür, Boren, boron, Boron Hidrür, boron hyride, Boron Vehicle, catalyst, electric motor, elektrik motor, Energy Institute, enerji enstitüsü, fuel cell, Gas cleaner, hidrojen enerjisi, Hydrogen, katalist gaz yıkama, Nihat Ergün, sanayi bakanı, Tübitak, yakıt pili ile etiketlendi
Yorum yapın
Discussions @ End of 2011:Domestic Product Automotive in Turkey
Prime Minister and Minister of State for Industries are explaining that the domestic product automotive in Turkey will be produced at the near future. According to strong sources, the domestic product automotive will be produced by one of the biggest … Okumaya devam et
Genel kategorisine gönderildi
araştırma, automotive company, başbakan, bursa, domestic vehicle, electric vehicle, elektrikli araç, geliştirme, minister of state for industries, otomotiv şirketi, prime minister, R&D, reserach and development, sanayi bakanı, yerli araç, yerli araç üretimi, yerli otomotiv ile etiketlendi
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