Son Yazılar
- Fuel Types of Next Generation Commercial Vehicles
- Otomotiv OEM’de 6 Sigma ? Çok İyi Uygulayan Firmalarda Neden Aksaklıklar Var ? Yapılar Nasıl ? Transferler Ne? Tezatlar Nerede ?
- Otomotiv OEM’de Ar-Ge Yapılanmasını Nasıl İlerletiyorlar ? Biraz Detay Farkı Var..
- Otomotiv Sanayinde Binek Araç,Ağır Vasıta,Diğer Araç Tiplerinde Aynı Yönetici Tipi mi Kullanılmalı ?
- Amerikan Otomotiv Devleri (GM, Ford, Chrysler) Neden Zaman Zaman Zora Giriyor ?
Son Yorumlar
Son Yorumlar
- 2012 Electric Vehicle Conference in USA için Gaylord
- The First Electric Minibus In Turkey için Rocvrvyx
- The First Electric Minibus In Turkey için Alice Sophia Dow and Mario Roberto Torres
- The First Electric Minibus In Turkey için SEO
- The First Electric Minibus In Turkey için Magazine Covers
- The First Electric Minibus In Turkey için Event locations
- 2012 Electric Vehicle Conference in USA için barki turystyczne
- Photos için burak
Aylık arşiv: Ocak 2012
Leader Of TURKEY Market:Ford OTOSAN
Ford Otosan A.S. publishes new advertisement in television channels in 10.01.2012 which includes the 10th market leader news of Otosan with all kind of vehicle types.Ford Otosan increase the investment sources and research & development in Turkey exactly. The best … Okumaya devam et
Genel kategorisine gönderildi
10th Market Leader, advertisement, Commercial Vehicle, fiat, Ford Motor Company, Ford Otosan, KOC, Market Leader ile etiketlendi
Yorum yapın
BMW wants to increase investment sources and have planned to set up the plant to Bursa.They draw the plant scheme on Yenisehir,Bursa.On the other hand, they also draw the plant schemes for Hungary and Poland.Hungary and Poland are the second … Okumaya devam et
Genel kategorisine gönderildi
bmw, bursa, electric vehicle, Hungary, Manisa, Peugeot Citroen, Poland, R&D, Research, turkey, vehicle plant ile etiketlendi
Yorum yapın
Effect of Karabağ in Germany
There is an interesting case for Ahmet Apak who likes to follow the automotive news but Ahmet did not know Karabag Transportation Company in Germany. Sırrı Karabag who is the owner of Company is the well-known Businessman in Germany.Thanks to … Okumaya devam et
Genel kategorisine gönderildi
Automotive Fair, Autoshow, Billboard, Daimler, Doblo, Ducato, electric car, electric vehicle, Fiat 500, Fiorino, Frankurt Automotive, Frankurt Fair, Germany, Hamburg, Harbour, Karabağ in Germany, renault, Sırrı Karabağ ile etiketlendi
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